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ART - 309 - 002


Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy – The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession. 

Pal 1 - Heather Rooney Videos

Description: Heather Rooney is a realism portrait artist that posts videos of her drawings. In these videos you can see some of the techniques that she uses as well as how she achieves her hyper realistic pieces. One series that I focused on was Self Portraits which contains self portraits as her subject. She uses colored pencils in her pieces and uses a number of different types of self portraits. 

Rational: I think that Heather Rooney is a great artist for me to use in future self portrait lessons that I might create. Whether I use colored pencils or not, her ability to capture realism would be a great example for students who are looking to capture that same effect. She also shows in the series that you can have multiple different types of self portraits, from simple and looking straight forward, to adding more effects and changing the direction that you are looking. 


Pal 1 - CJ Hendry Instagram and Gallery Review

Description: CJ Hendry is an artist that I found on Instagram this semester. A number of her works are a critique of copyright and copyright law. Her work is hyper realistic colored pencil drawings, some of which contain the likeness of famous people. Because of this and how realistic they are she is constantly receiving copyright claims. 

Rational: CJ Hendry would be a good artist to use for realism and/or a colored pencil lesson. I find that he works with colored matching and hyper realism would be a great challenge for students. One possible exercise inspired by her work could be where students create a paint splotch and then have to color match and draw it using color pencil techniques. Overall I learned from this video more information about the artist and why she creates the work that she does. She takes a lot of inspiration from everyday things and the idea of copyright and pop culture with one of her biggest influences being Andy Warhol. 




Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy – The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession. 
7N: advances his or her knowledge of current developments in the field by participating in professional development activities (e.g., coursework, professional organizations, and workshops).

Pal 2 - NAEA Halloween Pumpkin Painting

Description: The NAEA held an event for members to come in and watch a Halloween movie and decorate pumpkins. While there I got to meet a number of art education students and talk about how their courses and teaching was going. I also decorated my pumpkin with the theme of the movie Beatlejuice. 

Rational: I felt that I gained a number of things from this event. The best being that I was able to meet students from the other Art Ed classes and learn about them and how the semester was going. I was also able to talk to other peers from my art ed class that I don't normally talk to or haven't talked to outside the classroom. All of this is important in networking and keeping in touch for future activities and teacher networking. It was also another great opportunity to participate in NAEA and gain points that can be used for future conferences


Pal 2 - ISU Future Teachers Fair

Description: ISU held an event for high school students, the Future Teachers Fair. Students from all over Illinois came in and we told them about the art education program at ISU. Students were given little booklets with information about the art classes that are offered at ISU. I was also there with three other ISU art education students. 

Rational: This was a good opportunity to find students that might be interested in the program and let them know what my own experience was like and what they can come to expect if they join the program. It was also a chance to talk to students who might not have considered ISU art ed and to let them know about the program. I also saw this as a great way to practice talking to people and being able to inform and give a lot of information really quickly to lots of people, a lot like teaching. 



Library Lesson

Library Lesson (Library lesson plan, artwork, slide show, and how-to-video): one of three plans
Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 3 - Planning for Differentiated Instruction – The competent teacher plans and designs instruction based on content area knowledge, diverse student characteristics, student performance data, curriculum goals, and the community context. The teacher plans for ongoing student growth and achievement.

Description - This lesson's big idea was surrealism collages. Student objectives included being able to complete one collage using magazines, discussing and analyzing given artwork, and being able to talk about, describe, and critique others work. This lesson was done at Normal Public Library to a group of about 12 people with the help of 5 other ISU art education majors.

Rational - Overall the lesson was a great opportunity to create a high school level lesson and to teach it to a wide range of ages. The overall lesson was run well with an effective presentation that students were able to follow and understand. This lesson can also be taught in a normal high school level classroom and can be expanded for that. What I took away from writing and teaching this lesson was how to collaborate with another teacher, how to co-teach a lesson, how to work with students of all ages, and how to effectively write a collage lesson. This would be a great introduction to art or studio art project as it does not involve a lot of previous knowledge and techniques

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Lesson Plan - Double Exposure

309 UNIT PLAN (unit plan, artist handout, rubric, artwork, artist statement)

Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 5 - Instructional Delivery – The competent teacher differentiates instruction by using a variety of strategies that support critical and creative thinking, problem-solving, and continuous growth and learning. This teacher understands that the classroom is a dynamic environment requiring ongoing modification of instruction to enhance learning for each student. 

Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 7 - Assessment – The competent teacher understands and uses appropriate formative and summative assessments for determining student needs, monitoring student progress, measuring student growth, and evaluating student outcomes. The teacher makes decisions driven by data about curricular and instructional effectiveness and adjusts practices to meet the needs of each student. 

Description - The big idea of this lesson is Double Messages in Double Exposure Portrait Photography. Students are expected to create two final pieces, one double exposure in camera and one in Photoshop. Students should consider two meanings for each photo. Students will also be shown a number of double exposure works and artists for inspiration and ideas as well as a classroom discussion. Finally students will participate in a class critique of work.

Rational - When creating this project I considered the subject that I find of interest, what the students might be able to connect to, and the ability of students in Photography 1. When thinking of my own example I considered my two sides, the one that enjoys city life and the one that likes adventure in the wild. Students will make these same considerations when creating their piece, thinking about their own personal meaning and messaging. 


Literacy Lesson

Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 6 - Reading, Writing, and Oral Communication – The competent teacher has foundational knowledge of reading, writing, and oral communication within the content area and recognizes and addresses student reading, writing, and oral communication needs to facilitate the acquisition of content knowledge. 

Link -

Description - This nearpod was created for students to write about what they learned about the artist Daniella Zalcman and her double exposure work. Students would be expected to read her bio page and then pick one of her collections to read about and analyze the images. They would then write about possible artist intent and reasoning. This would be a student paced lesson. 

Rational - The purpose of this nearpod is to check student understanding about the artist and how to read artwork as well as a formative assessment for students. While students would be graded on completion they would also be graded on the quality of their answer. For me, I wrote about Daniella Zalcman's London + New York series where she combines important places for her in both cities. The reason she created this collection was to show that she loves both cities and feels equally at home in both of them. Students have a wide variety of her collections to choose from and are expecting to dive deep into not just what she wrote, but also her work. 


7M: articulates a logical rationale for the role of the visual arts in the school curriculum, including philosophical and social foundations 
for visual arts education.

As a teacher I will not give my students limitations in their creativity. If they have an idea it is not my job to limit it but to help them and to provide the resources they need to reach their full artistic potential. I want to make students excited for my classroom and ready to learn new art techniques. I want to create open minded students that are willing to try new things in order to push their creativity and critical thinking. I want to create a warm and welcoming learning environment. 


As a teacher I will come to class prepared to teach and overcome any obstacle that comes to me. I want to expand my artistic abilities while showing students the real life art applications in their world and community. I want to get students involved in the community and community art work. I will work to constantly expand the art world and knowledge for my students. 

Description - This is my Teaching Philosophy statement. It contains the type of teacher that I want to be in the classroom. It sets expectations for myself as well as my students. 

Rational - A lot of my philosophy surrounds the idea of being an overall well prepared and welcoming teacher. I want to give students the tools they need and allow them to be creative with structure in the classroom. I find that when we limit students to specific criteria we are not allowing them to think critically. While expectations and objectives will be set, students should be encouraged to explore what they are excited about and not be afraid to come to me with ideas. I then can give them the resources they need to succeed, it is a very project based classroom philosophy. 

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