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Student Teaching

 SELF-CREATED UNIT PLANS WITH LESSON PLANS & TEACHING MATERIALS - One from each placement or two if you are in one placement for the whole semester(elementary or middle school, middle school or high school) - unit plan, artist handout (if appropriate), Power Point (if appropriate), sample artwork, sample completed artist statement (if appropriate)
IPTS (2013) STANDARD 2 - Content Area and Pedagogical Knowledge - The competent teacher has in-depth understanding of content area knowledge that includes central concepts, methods of inquiry, structures of disciplines, and content area literacy. The teacher creates meaningful learning experiences for each student based upon interactions among content area and pedagogical knowledge, and evidence-based practice.

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 5 - Instructional Delivery - The competent teacher differentiates instruction by using a variety of strategies that support critical and creative thinking, problem-solving, and continuous growth and learning. The teacher understands that the classroom is a dynamic environment requiring ongoing modification of instruction to enhance learning for each student.
Description: I completed my high school student teaching at Bolingbrook High School in Bolingbrook IL and my elementary student teaching at Woodview Elementary in Bolingbrook IL. While there I created lesson plans, collaborated with teachers and students, designed lessons and instructional materials, and gave formative and summative assessments while fostering a welcoming classroom environment. 

Rationale: During my time student teaching I grew as an educator, learned how to run and manage a classroom, and much more. When creating my lessons there were a number of things that I took into consideration. I looked at the background of the students that I would be teaching, prior knowledge, as well as interests. I made sure that while all of my lessons met the National Standards for art education they met the students needs and interests. I wanted to create fun lessons that students would be excited to create and learn. I wanted to foster creativity and student choice while helping students develop necessary skills. In elementary I created lesson plans that students would have fun with, but also learn to use their fine motor skills and develop important critical thinking skills. 
I took feedback from my CT's to make sure that my lessons were effective and met the standards needed. I took feedback in my delivery of lessons, demo delivery, and overall classroom management to improve as much as possible as an educator. 

Evidence: The following buttons will take you to my complete student teaching portfolio. There you can see all of my student teaching lesson plans, materials, assessments, and student examples. 

ASSESSMENT METHODS PORTFOLIO - One formative and summative assessment from each placement or two if in one placement for the semester to match the plans above
IPTS (2013) STANDARD 7 - Assessment - The competent teacher understands and uses appropriate formative and summative assessments for determining student needs, monitoring student progress, measuring student growth, and evaluating student outcomes. The teacher makes decisions driven by data about curricular and instructional effectiveness and adjusts practices to meet the needs of each student.

Description: During my time student teaching at the high school level I created a number of formative and summative assessments. Majority of summatives were final project turn ins. Formative assessments ranged from
participation, packets and worksheets, and updating their WIP journals. At the elementary level there were no formative and summative assessments as the students were on a meets or does not meets grading scale. 

Rationale: At the high school level formative assessments made up 20% of the overall grade. Summatives were 80%. With this in mind I made sure that all summative grading was given feedback as to why they received the grade that they did. For painting and ceramics students submitted their summative along with a self reflection that I used to gather data and information about the project. They also completed a work in progress journal throughout the project which was taken as a formative grade. In photography the formative grade was typically a set of images taken for a project and then the final selected and edited images were taken as the formative grade. Again students were given a lot of feedback as to why they were given the grade they were as well as a printed filled out rubric. 

Evidence: See links below 

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism, provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates fro students, parents or guardians, and the profession.


Former High School Art Gallery

Description: For this PAL I visited my former high school to see their yearly art gallery. While there I discussed student teaching with former art teachers as well as viewed the art work and view my sister's work that she had submitted to the gallery. 

Rationale: I found it very interesting to go back and see the gallery. It gave me ideas for my own school that I was a student teaching at and where I plan to teach in the future. I also gained ideas for projects that I can do with students. Finally I made connections with other art educators to talk about ideas and teaching. 




IPTS (2013) STANDARD 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism, provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates fro students, parents or guardians, and the profession.


Senior Art Education Student Gallery

Description: For this PAL I submitted one of my college pieces to the senior art education student gallery at ISU. The piece was hung alongside my classmates work. For this I submitted my Burning Hands relief wood black print piece. It is my favorite piece that I have made throughout my time in college and was what I felt best represented my art and art journey. 

Rationale: I am glad that I was able to participate in this gallery with my fellow educators. These will be the educators that I meet with and talk with for years to come. This was a bonding experience and a great opportunity to share my art. I am happy that I was able to participate in an ISU gallery before I graduated and moved on. 



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